Diet For Men To Lose Belly Fat

best diet for men to lose belly fat

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is the premiere diet for men to lose belly fat.

The best diet for men to lose belly fat is Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle. It has helped thousands of guys get lean, muscular, and defined.

Tom's book has been the "bible for male fat loss" for almost 10 years. It has become a best-seller for one reason: It works. Guys who buy-in to his nutrition plan and strength-building workouts see significant changes in their bodies.

Male belly fat sabotages guys on both a physical and social level. First, it is a critical health issue. Guys who are over 20% body fat, who have a waist that is more than 50% of their height, or 20+ lbs. overweight are prime candidates for contracting Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and...erectile dysfunction.

Who really needs any of THAT???

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder who was a one-time pudgy guy that whittled his body fat down to 4%.

Why should you listen to a bodybuilder when it comes to fat loss?

On page 6 of his Burn The Fat book, Tom says, "The answer is obvious: Bodybuilders have mastered the art of shedding fat while maintaining muscle. Conventional diets achieve fat loss at the expense of losing muscle, which downgrades your metabolism. That’s one of the reasons “diets” don’t work. I prefer to call this a nutrition program rather than a diet.

Not only is the natural bodybuilder’s way to fat loss incredibly effective, capable of slashing your body fat well into the single digits (if that’s what you desire), it’s also a lifestyle. Diets don’t work because they are temporary. This program teaches nutrition habits you can maintain for life."

Athletes know that it is much easier to stay in shape, then to get back into shape. In Tom's program, you will come to view your body much like an athlete does. Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle becomes a lifestyle for guys who want a completely different body. It is a tremendously effective fat loss plan for men.

click here to order the best diet for men to lose belly fat

Diet For Men To Lose Belly Fat - Burn The Fat

top diet for men to lose belly fat

* Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is NOT a "burn fat quick" program.

* Tom's book is 340 pages and contains 17 Chapters. (Here is a sample: Chapter 8 - Macronutrient ratios: The optimal combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats for improving your muscle to fat ratio...Chapter 17 - Weight training for fat loss: Why diet and cardio are not enough.)

* You will discover how to eat with more awareness. You will eat with an athlete's mindset.

* You will get sugar foods, starchy process foods, and fried fast foods OUT of your diet.

* You will become more muscular. Body fat will come off, lean muscle will become visible.

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is NOT about starvation-mode dieting, harsh workouts, or purchasing phony supplements.

Tom's program is proven. His book continues to set sales records. Hundreds of guys order it each week...because it works.

If you are looking for the premiere diet for men to lose Belly fat, this is it.

purchase the premiere diet for men to lose belly fat

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