Best Diet For Men To Lose Belly Fat

discover the best diet for men to lose belly fat

I've gotten great results with Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle. To me, it is the best diet for men to lose belly fat.

To me, the best diet for men to lose belly fat is Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle. Created by physiologist/natural bodybuilder, Tom Venuto, it gets results for guys.

Belly fat on men is a big deal. No lie. It has been directly connected to erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, contracting Type II diabetes, and stroke.

Belly fat on men is also a sexual turn-off for women. Checkout any survey or women's talk show. They are real clear that the guys they want to wake up next to need to look lean, tight, and athletic.

Getting rid of male belly fat and flabby love handles can take on a life of its own. Many times, guys are so intent about getting back into shape that they drastically cut calories in order to drop pounds and inches.

This may work for a few weeks, but you can't fool your system forever. You metabolism will slow down and you will stall-out because your body is screaming, "SAVE THE FAT!

It thinks you are starving.

All of your efforts have actually been counter-productive because of the loss of lean muscle mass due to the shutdown of testosterone and growth hormone production.

Tom's Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle turns that nonsense on its ear. In fact, on page 9 of his Burn The Fat book, Tom states,

"Your goal should never be weight loss. Your goal should be losing fat while maintaining muscle. As long as your body is solid muscle, then you shouldn’t worry about what the scale says. Your ratio of muscle to fat is what really counts."

The best diet for men to lose belly fat is pretty worthless if you fail to maintain (well...actually increase) muscularity. Trust me, you are NOT going to be happy with your loss if you look like a rack of spaghetti in clothes.

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The Best Diet For Men To Lose Belly Fat - Tom Venuto

best diet for men to lose belly fat is burn the fat feed the muscle

* Tom Venuto combines scientific research with practical application. One look at him and you can be easily assured that he walks his talk.

* However, Tom didn't always look like he does now. In college, he was a chubby party-boy that liked beer and fat-bloated foods. It wasn't until he saw the incongruence of the way he looked, in relation to his major (Exercise Physiology), that he made a huge change.

* To me, his Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is the best diet for men to lose belly fat because it combines optimal nutrition with strength training and interval workouts.

* What sold me was that Tom did NOT make any bogus promises of getting a ripped body in 4-6 weeks like you see in so many search results on the Internet.

* In fact, he is upfront in letting you know sustained effort will be required, "If there’s any 'secret' to fat loss, it’s hard work on your diet and training program. The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you’ll be the proud owner of a lean body. Unfortunately, this isn't what most people want to hear."

I've been following Tom's Burn The Fat program for several years. It works because I am committed to it.

You'll find out that you eat and train pretty much like an Olympic or professional athlete.

Foods are high-protein, high-fiber, low-refined carbs, and good fats. Gone are sugar foods, fast foods, and calorie-laden processed foods that are full of bad carbs. (Yes...I know that stuff tastes great, but those foods have NO muscle-building factors, at all.)

You will train to get stronger, and add more dense muscle. Forget about hours of mindless activity on the treadmill or stationary bike. Your cardio will now be geared to melt fat off the muscle you are creating in the weight room. Interval training requires bursts of intense work that stimulate testosterone and growth hormone production.

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is a best-seller for one simple reason: Guys get results they can easily see in the mirror. Close to 250,000 guys have purchased Tom's program, and hundreds more order it online, each week.

To me, it is the best diet for men to lose belly fat that is available.

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Workout Plan For Men To Build Muscle

How To Lose Belly Fat For Men

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Best Diet For Men To Lose Belly Fat


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