Get A Celebrity Body And Get More Chicks

get a celebrity body with the visual impact program

Visual Impact is the ultimate underground program for getting ripped and strong

Get a celebrity body and do better with women. The "Lean Hollywood Look" appeals highly to chicks. Now you can burn belly fat, increase strength, and get ripped abs with a proven, underground program.

Rusty Moore first coined the term, "Lean Hollywood Look", and he is the first to design an effective program to get you this more defined look. It is no secret that male belly fat is a complete turn-off to women. Their entire focus is on guys who look like the Olympic athletes, and ripped actors they see on TV and in movies.

Rusty's Visual Impact Muscle Building program is snowballing into a best-seller because guys get results that can be seen in the mirror. That's the only reason it quietly sets sales records each month.

Rusty's program is NO nonsense...NO fluff. His 77-page book is crammed with a 3-phase plan that forces you to eat and train like an athlete. You will become stronger and more muscular simply because you will be doing the things that enhance fat-burning and strength building.

Get A Celebrity Body With The Visual Impact Program

get a celebrity bosy with a proven program like visual impact

* Rusty's program focuses on muscle density without increasing fat storage.

* You will start with three, 2-month training cycles.

* You will begin eating consciously, and like an athlete.

* Strength building is the backbone of Rusty's program.

* You can choose to use free weights, machines, or body weight for your workouts.

* Your eating plan will be geared toward more natural foods and solid protein sources.

* Your workouts will be brief (under an hour) and intense (you will have little rest.)

* Reps, sets, and exercises will vary workout-to-workout.

* Your cardio will include interval training. This is how Olympic athletes and NFL players increase lean muscle mass and shred body fat.

The Visual Impact Program gives you the tools to become more, lean, more stronger, and more muscular. You can get a celebrity body that women want to touch.

get a celebrity body that is lean and muscular

Get tight, Get ripped, Get stronger

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