How To Lose Stomach Fat For A 40 Year Old Male

how to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male

Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle is a proven program to help guys 40 and over get back in shape

How to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male is best answered by following a proven program to burn belly fat and increase lean muscle density.

Things get tougher when you are in your 40's, especially if you have let yourself get out of shape. You are fighting a loss of both testosterone production and growth hormone production, both of which kept you lean when you were younger.

Fortunately, you can rekindle production, but it will take some time and focused effort on your part. When it comes to burning belly fat and increasing lean muscle mass after 40, we are talking months...not weeks.

If you came to my site looking for some phony bootcamp workout that will have you looking like an NFL defensive back in 6 weeks, this is not the place. The same if you are looking for some magic "secret supplement" that you can sip while watching your favorite shows on TV.

How To Lose Stomach Fat For A 40 Year Old Male

To me, the best program that answers the question: How to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male? is Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle by physiologist-turned-bodybuilder, Tom Venuto.

It has been a best-seller since 2003 and has helped close to 250,000 guys get rid of belly fat and become more muscular. It gives us guys past 40 the best chance possible of increasing lean muscle density while keeping off belly fat and love handles.

I have used Burn The Fat since 2004-2005 and it works...if you are dumb enough to follow Tom's simple principles of nutrition, strength training with weights, and interval workouts for cardio.

You will definitely burn belly fat and look more ripped. It takes some time, and some sweat, but it is worth it when you take off your shirt around women.

click here to discover how to lose stomach fat for 40 year old male

Male Belly Fat - You don't need it!

Male belly fat causes problems on two levels for guys: First, it is directly linked with health issues that include erectile dysfunction, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and stroke. What used to happen to men in their 50's, is now scaring guys in their late 30's and early 40's.

Secondly, women completely dismiss older guys who look soft and out of shape. Male belly fat is a sexual turn-off for chicks. Why sabotage yourself when you can make some serious changes in your appearance with a few months of eating better and working out intelligently?

Revamping your eating habits, so you start eating like a professional well as training like one...will have you looking totally different in 6 months. Working out is critical to building lean muscle mass, but to melt off the fat, you must start eating far more nutritionally.

How To Lose Stomach Fat For A 40 Year Old Male

how to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male

* One look at Tom Venuto, who is our age, and you can tell he follows his own Burn The Fat principles.

* With Tom's program, you will readily see why you need to get sugar foods (cereal, pop, desserts, donuts, etc) completely out of your current diet and make a sharp reduction carb-bloated processed foods (pizza, spaghetti, bread) that just store fat on your abs and obliques.

* You will discover why each meal/snack needs to include a fresh fruit, a fresh vegetable, and a solid protein source.

* You will discover why weight training with fundamental lifts increases your metabolism naturally and fires up the secretion of growth hormone.

* You will discover why brief interval workouts are the key to melting fat with cardio. Long sessions on the treadmill just don't get it. Olympic and professional athletes train with interval work. How do their builds look?

* You will discover that staying in shape becomes a choice of lifestyle, and if you want to look cut, muscular, and will have to give up some eating habits that made you soft to begin with.

"Your goal should never be weight loss. Your goal should be losing fat while maintaining muscle. As long as your body is solid muscle, then you shouldn’t worry about what the scale says. Your ratio of muscle to fat is what really counts."

.....Tom Venuto, page 9, BURN THE FAT

Making the decision to read through this page shows you are serious about getting back into shape...and doing it the right way.

Tom's proven program answers the question: How to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male?

click here to discover how to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male

Click here to discover how to lose stomach fat for a 40 year old male

Male fat loss - Do it right and build muscle

A workout and diet plan for men

Burn The Fat review - What is it all about?

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How To Lose Stomach Fat For A 40 Year Old Male


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